Alpha Psi Omega

Alpha Psi Omega

George Mason University's School of Theater hosts a chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, the National Theatre Honor Society established to promote excellence in theatrical production, academic work, and community service. The organization has enjoyed continuous national growth and, with over 600 casts, is the largest national honor society in America. Colleges and universities of recognized standing, having an established theatre program or theatre club for the purpose of producing plays, are eligible for membership.

George Mason APO officers:

President: Megan Ayers 

Vice President: Aven Hagen Grote

Treasurer: E Griggs

Historian: Mercury Pitzer 

Secretary: Rylan Snyder

Community Service Chair: Syd Schepisi

Education Deputy: Peter Dasher

Associate Member Coordinators: Kai Yoffe and Bertem Demirtas