Mason Players

Get production and performance experience while bringing live theater to the George Mason University community as a member of this fun, vibrant group.

sutta 2022
Sutta, 2022

The Mason Players bring artistic enlightenment to the lives of the university community and beyond. Its mission coexists with the College of Visual and Performing Arts and the School of Theater, with whom it enjoys a close relationship.

This faculty-directed student organization within the School of Theater produces seven captivating productions each season. Mainstage productions are directed by faculty members and visiting guest artists, and studio productions are directed by students. Plays selected for the annual Mason Players Originals celebration of new work are student-directed and student-written.

Auditions for the productions are open to all full-time George Mason students. Participation in Mason Players productions may be applied for academic credit.

Join the Mason Players

Membership Requirements

Mason Players is an inclusive organization, comprised of theater students and alumni, theater practitioners, and theater supporters.

To be a Mason Player, you must:

1. Be a current or former degree-seeking student at George Mason University who participates or participated in at least one Mason Players production in ANY capacity (ex. Acting, Directing, Designing, Run Crew, Marketing, Community Leadership, etc.)

Participants in and supporters of the productions of George Mason University's School of Theater are "Mason Players" and should be on the Mason Players Mailing list. 

Technical positions available

  • Technical Director
  • Assistant Stage Manager
  • Lighting Designer
  • Sound Designer
  • Props Designer
  • Costume Designer
  • Set Designer
  • Theatrical Electricians
  • Run Crew
  • Board Operators

Students interested in working on the creative/production teams for any Mason Players production are encouraged to contact the following:

Also, please visit the scene shop if you are interested in helping build sets for any of our upcoming shows. It's a great way to get tech hours or to just meet people in the department who share your interests.

Please note: all assignments may be used to fulfill Academic Credit. To enroll, please contact Lena Salins.

Administrative Staff

2024-2025 Administrative Staff

Artistic Director:
Djola Branner

Production Manager:
Lena Salins

Assistant Director:
Nicholas Horner

Company Manager:
Brett Womack

Associate Company Manager:
Aurora Powell

Company Secretary:
Andy Brown

Adia Spezza

Join the Mason Players mailing list

To maintain membership

Once you become a Mason Player, we consider you a Mason Player for life. To maintain membership, while studying at George Mason, Players are encouraged to be active participants by:

  • Attending monthly Players meetings as often as your schedule and academics allow. The Players organization is only as effective as its members, so plan to attend often, volunteer to help, let your voice be heard as creative decisions are made, and make memories for a lifetime.
  • Participating in Players productions in all areas of production as often as your schedule and academics allow. Onstage, backstage, at the concession stand, or in the preparation stages for promoting our work, it’s all part of the whole, and we need your involvement.
  • Active participation has benefits other than collaboration, These include scholarship consideration, yearly awards, resume building, and more.
  • Alumni of Theater at George Mason, the Mason Players and active members of the Friends of Theater at Mason are also considered Mason Players. These Players are encouraged to support the work of the Mason Players and the School of Theater through word and deed, including volunteerism, attendance at our shows, and financial support.

To inquire about membership or to become more deeply involved with the School of Theater, please email us.

The list of Mason Players staff is located on the Mason Players News bulletin board in the Theater Lounge (PAB A 109).